
Some exciting news for Kandria!

After multiple hurdles this month that slowed development down (falling ill, flying to poland for a week, etc.) we finally got some very good news this morning. Namely, that Kandria has been chosen for Pro Helvetia's (the Swiss arts council) production grant! This means that we'll get a nice boost to our budget to help finish the game, and offset some of the costs that I've been covering myself until now.

The grant isn't huge, but it's still nice to get some support, and especially nice to see that Kandria now looks good enough to several industry folks that were on the vetting jury. A big thanks to everyone at Pro Helvetia and from the jury for their support!

It'll be a while still before we actually get the grant money, and I assume there's some amount of extra documentation and other things we have to perform for the grant as well. Either way though, this news has been a great relief!

Meanwhile it's just about two weeks from today until the Steam Next Fest launches, and with it a new trailer for Kandria and a new demo that you'll be able to check out! Shortly after that, meaning in just under 15 days, the Kickstarter for Kandria will launch as well.

We still have a bunch of stuff to prepare for that, so the next days are going to be quite hectic. In the meantime, if you want to help us out, please share the Kickstarter page with other friends and communities, and of course, sign up yourself!

Sign up for the Kickstarter