
412 lines
19 KiB
Common Lisp

(in-package #:org.shirakumo.fraf.kandria)
(defvar *current-task*)
(defvar *current-interaction*)
(defclass storyline (quest:storyline)
((default-interactions :initform (make-hash-table :test 'eql) :reader default-interactions)))
(defclass quest (quest:quest alloy:observable)
((clock :initarg :clock :initform 0f0 :accessor clock)
(start-time :initarg :start-time :initform 0f0 :accessor start-time)
(visible-p :initarg :visible :initform T :accessor visible-p)
(experience-reward :initarg :experience-reward :initform 500 :accessor experience-reward)))
(define-event quest-started (event) quest)
(define-event quest-completed (event) quest)
(define-event quest-failed (event) quest)
(define-event task-completed (event) task)
(define-event game-over (event) ending)
(alloy:make-observable '(setf clock) '(value alloy:observable))
(alloy:make-observable '(setf quest:status) '(value alloy:observable))
(defmethod quest:class-for ((storyline (eql 'quest:quest))) 'quest)
(defmethod quest:activate :before ((quest quest))
(when (and (not (eql :active (quest:status quest)))
(visible-p quest))
(harmony:play (// 'sound 'ui-quest-start))
(status :important (@formats 'new-quest-started (quest:title quest)))
(setf (start-time quest) (clock +world+))
(issue +world+ 'quest-started :quest quest))
(setf (clock quest) 0f0))
(defmethod quest:complete :before ((quest quest))
(when (and (not (eql :complete (quest:status quest)))
(visible-p quest))
(award-experience (node 'player T) (experience-reward quest))
(harmony:play (// 'sound 'ui-quest-complete))
(status :important (@formats 'quest-successfully-completed (quest:title quest)))
(issue +world+ 'quest-completed :quest quest)))
(defmethod quest:fail :before ((quest quest))
(when (and (not (eql :failed (quest:status quest)))
(visible-p quest))
(harmony:play (// 'sound 'ui-quest-fail))
(status :important (@formats 'quest-completion-failed (quest:title quest)))
(issue +world+ 'quest-failed :quest quest)))
(defmethod quest:make-assembly ((_ quest))
(make-instance 'assembly))
(defclass task (quest:task)
((visible-p :initarg :visible :initform T :accessor visible-p)
(progress-fun :initarg :progress-fun :initform NIL :accessor progress-fun)
(full-progress :initarg :full-progress :initform 0 :accessor full-progress)
(last-progress :initform 0 :accessor last-progress)
(marker :initarg :marker :initform NIL :accessor marker)))
(defmethod shared-initialize :after ((task task) slots &key progress-fun)
(typecase progress-fun
((or function null))
(T (setf (progress-fun task) (compile NIL `(lambda () ,(task-wrap-lexenv progress-fun)))))))
(defmethod quest:try :around ((task task))
(let ((progress (current-progress task))
(*current-task* task))
(when progress
(when (< (last-progress task) progress)
(harmony:play (// 'sound 'ui-quest-update) :reset T)
(status :note "~a (~a/~a)" (quest:title task) progress (full-progress task)))
(setf (last-progress task) progress))
(defmethod current-progress ((task task))
(let ((fun (progress-fun task))
(*current-task* task))
(when fun (funcall fun))))
(defmethod quest:class-for ((storyline (eql 'quest:task))) 'task)
(defmethod quest:make-assembly ((task task))
(make-instance 'assembly))
(defmethod quest:activate :around ((task task))
(let ((*current-task* task))
(when (and (marker task) (setting :gameplay :display-hud))
(show (make-instance 'quest-indicator :target (unlist (marker task))))))
(defmethod quest:complete :after ((task task))
(issue +world+ 'task-completed :task task))
(defclass interaction (quest:interaction)
((source :initform NIL :initarg :source :accessor source)
(repeatable :initform NIL :initarg :repeatable :accessor repeatable-p)
(auto-trigger :initform NIL :initarg :auto-trigger :accessor auto-trigger)))
(defmethod shared-initialize :around ((interaction interaction) slots &rest args &key source dialogue task name)
(cond (dialogue
((or source (and (slot-boundp interaction 'source) (source interaction)))
(let ((dialogue (apply #'find-mess (enlist (or source (source interaction))))))
(apply #'call-next-method interaction slots :dialogue dialogue args)))
((or task (and (slot-boundp interaction 'quest:task) (quest:task interaction)))
(let* ((task (or task (quest:task interaction)))
(name (or name (quest:name interaction)))
(source (list (quest:name (quest:quest task)) (format NIL "~(~a/~a~)" (quest:name task) name)))
(dialogue (handler-case (apply #'find-mess source)
(sb-ext:file-does-not-exist ()))))
(cond (dialogue
(setf (source interaction) source)
(apply #'call-next-method interaction slots :dialogue dialogue args))
(defmethod quest:class-for ((storyline (eql 'quest:interaction))) 'interaction)
(defmethod quest:make-assembly ((interaction interaction))
(make-instance 'assembly))
(defmethod quest:activate ((trigger interaction))
(with-simple-restart (abort "Don't activate the interaction.")
(when (and +world+ (not (auto-trigger trigger)))
(let ((interactable (node (quest:interactable trigger) +world+)))
(if (typep interactable 'interactable)
(pushnew trigger (interactions interactable))
(v:severe :kandria.quest "What the fuck? Can't find interaction target ~s, got ~a"
(quest:interactable trigger) interactable))))))
(defmethod quest:deactivate :around ((trigger interaction))
(when +world+
(let ((interactable (node (quest:interactable trigger) +world+)))
(when (typep interactable 'interactable)
(setf (interactions interactable) (remove trigger (interactions interactable)))))))
(defmethod quest:complete ((trigger interaction))
(when +world+
(let ((interactable (node (quest:interactable trigger) +world+)))
(when (and (typep interactable 'interactable)
(not (repeatable-p trigger)))
(setf (interactions interactable) (remove trigger (interactions interactable)))))))
(defmethod quest:try ((trigger interaction))
(when (and (auto-trigger trigger)
(pausing-possible-p NIL))
(interact trigger T)))
(defmethod quest:title ((interaction interaction))
(or (call-next-method)
(language-string* (quest:name (quest:quest (quest:task interaction)))
(quest:name (quest:task interaction))
(quest:name interaction))))
(defclass stub-interaction (interaction)
((quest:dialogue :initform NIL :accessor quest:dialogue)
(quest:task :initform (quest:find-named 'task-world-all (quest:find-named 'world (quest:storyline T))))
(quest:name :initform 'stub)))
(defmethod quest:complete ((stub-interaction stub-interaction)))
(defclass assembly (dialogue:assembly)
(defmethod clone ((assembly assembly) &key)
(let ((clone (make-instance (class-of assembly))))
(loop for instruction across (dialogue:instructions assembly)
do (vector-push-extend instruction (dialogue:instructions clone)))
(defun find-task (quest task)
(quest:find-task task)
(quest:find-quest quest)
(storyline +world+)))
(flet ((thing (thing)
(if (and (symbolp thing) (not (null thing)))
(quest:find-named thing *current-task*)
(defun activate (&rest things)
(loop for thing in things do (quest:activate (thing thing))))
(defun deactivate (&rest things)
(loop for thing in things do (quest:deactivate (thing thing))))
(defun complete (&rest things)
(loop for thing in things do (quest:complete (thing thing))))
(defun fail (&rest things)
(loop for thing in things do (quest:fail (thing thing))))
(defun complete-p (&rest things)
(loop for thing in things always (eql :complete (quest:status (thing thing)))))
(defun failed-p (&rest things)
(loop for thing in things always (eql :failed (quest:status (thing thing)))))
(defun var-of (thing name &optional default)
(quest:var name (thing thing) default)))
(defun var (name &optional default)
(quest:var name *current-task* default))
(defun (setf var) (value name)
(setf (quest:var name *current-task*) value))
(defun global-wrap-lexenv (form)
`(let* ((player (node 'player +world+))
(clock (clock +world+)))
(declare (ignorable player clock))
(flet ((have (thing &optional (count 1) (inventory player))
(<= count (item-count thing inventory)))
(item-count (thing &optional (inventory player))
(item-count thing inventory))
(store (item &optional (count 1) (inventory player))
(store item inventory count))
(retrieve (item &optional (count 1) (inventory player))
(retrieve item inventory count))
(move-to (target unit)
(move-to target unit)
(when (typep unit 'ai-entity)
(setf (ai-state unit) :move-to)))
(unit (name &optional (container +world+))
(node name container)))
(declare (ignorable #'have #'item-count #'store #'retrieve #'move-to #'unit))
(defun find-all-variables ()
(let ((vars ()))
(flet ((handle-scope (thing)
(loop for binding in (quest:bindings thing)
do (pushnew (car binding) vars))))
(dolist (storyline quest::*storylines* vars)
(handle-scope storyline)
(loop for quest being the hash-values of (quest:quests storyline)
do (handle-scope quest)
(loop for task being the hash-values of (quest:tasks quest)
do (handle-scope task)))))))
(defun task-wrap-lexenv (form)
`(let* ((task *current-task*)
(quest (quest:quest task))
(all-complete (loop for trigger being the hash-values of (quest:triggers task)
always (eql :complete (quest:status trigger)))))
(declare (ignorable quest all-complete))
(flet ((thing (thing)
(if (and (symbolp thing) (not (null thing)))
(quest:find-named thing task)
(flet ((reset (&rest things)
(loop for thing in things do (quest:reset (thing thing) :reset-vars NIL)))
(active-p (&rest things)
(loop for thing in things always (quest:active-p (thing thing)))))
(declare (ignorable #'reset #'active-p))
;; KLUDGE: this sucks, lmao
(symbol-macrolet ,(loop for var in (find-all-variables)
collect `(,var (var ',var)))
,(global-wrap-lexenv form))))))
(defmethod quest:compile-form ((task task) form)
(compile NIL `(lambda () ,(task-wrap-lexenv form))))
(defmethod dialogue:wrap-lexenv ((assembly assembly) form)
`(let* ((interaction *current-interaction*)
(*current-task* (quest:task interaction)))
,(task-wrap-lexenv form)))
(defun load-default-interactions (&optional (storyline (quest:storyline T)) (file (merge-pathnames "quests/default-interactions.spess" (language-dir))))
(let ((*package* #.*package*)
(interactions (make-hash-table :test 'eql))
(root (dialogue:parse file))
(section NIL))
(flet ((start-new (name)
(let ((root (make-instance 'components:root-component)))
(setf (gethash name interactions) root)
(setf section root))))
(loop for component across (components:children root)
do (if (typep component 'components:header)
(start-new (read-from-string (aref (components:children component) 0)))
(vector-push-extend component (components:children section))))
(loop with defaults = (default-interactions storyline)
for name being the hash-keys of interactions using (hash-value root)
do (when (typep root 'components:root-component)
(setf (gethash name defaults) (ensure-instance (gethash name defaults) 'stub-interaction :dialogue root)))))))
(defmacro define-sequence-quest ((storyline name) &body body)
(let ((counter 0))
(labels ((parse-sequence-form (form name next)
(match1 form
(:eval (&rest body)
(form-fiddle:with-body-options (body initargs) body
:title "-"
:visible NIL
:condition T
:on-activate (action)
:on-complete ,next
(:action action
(:animate ((character animation) . body)
(form-fiddle:with-body-options (body initargs) body
:title ,(format NIL "Wait for ~@(~a~) to ~(~a~)." character animation)
:visible NIL
:condition (not (eql ',animation (name (animation (node ',character +world+)))))
:on-activate (action)
:on-complete ,next
(:action action
(start-animation ',animation (node ',character +world+))
(:nearby ((place character) . body)
(form-fiddle:with-body-options (body initargs) body
:title ,(format NIL "Wait for ~@(~a~) to arrive." character)
:condition (nearby-p ',place ',character)
:on-complete (action ,@next)
(:action action
(:wait (for . initargs)
:title ,(format NIL "Wait for ~d second~:p" for)
:visible NIL
:condition (<= ,for (- clock timer))
:variables ((timer 0.0))
:on-activate (action)
:on-complete ,next
(:action action (setf timer clock)))))
(:have ((item &optional (count 1)) . initargs)
:title ,(format NIL "Collect ~d ~@(~a~:p~)" count item)
:condition (have ',item ,count)
:on-complete ,next
,@(when (< 1 count)
`(:full-progress ,count
:progress-fun '(item-count ',item))))))
(:go-to ((place &key lead follow with) . body)
(form-fiddle:with-body-options (body initargs eval) body
:title ,(cond (lead (format NIL "Follow ~@(~a~) to ~@(~a~)" lead place))
(follow (format NIL "Lead ~@(~a~) to ~@(~a~)" follow place))
(T (format NIL "Go to ~a" place)))
:condition (nearby-p ',place 'player)
:on-activate (action)
:on-complete ,next
:marker ',place
(:action action
,@(if with `((stop-following ',with)
(move-to ',place ',with)))
,@(if lead `((lead 'player ',place ',lead)))
,@(if follow `((follow 'player ',follow)))
,@(if body `((walk-n-talk (progn ,@body)))))))))
(:interact ((with &key now repeatable) . body)
(form-fiddle:with-body-options (body initargs) body
(let ((repeatable (or repeatable (popf initargs :repeatable)))
(source (popf initargs :source)))
:title ,(format NIL "Listen to ~@(~a~)" with)
:condition (complete-p 'interaction)
:on-activate (interaction)
:on-complete ,next
:marker ',(if now NIL with)
(:interaction interaction
:interactable ,with
:auto-trigger ,now
:repeatable ,repeatable
:source ,source
(:complete ((&rest things) . body)
(form-fiddle:with-body-options (body initargs (activate T)) body
:title ,(format NIL "Complete ~{~@(~a~)~^, ~}" things)
:condition (complete-p ,@(loop for thing in things
collect (if (symbolp thing)
`(or (unit ',thing) ',thing)
(destructuring-bind (quest task) thing
`(find-task ',quest ',task)))))
:on-activate (action)
:on-complete ,next
(:action action
,@(when activate
(loop for thing in things
collect `(activate (or (unit ',thing) ',thing))))
,@(if body `((walk-n-talk (progn ,@body)))))))))))
(sequence-form-name (form)
(apply #'trial::mksym *package* (incf counter) :- (first form) :- (enlist (unlist (second form)))))
(parse-sequence-to-tasks (forms)
(let ((forms (loop for form in forms
collect (list (sequence-form-name form) form))))
(loop for (form next) on forms
append (parse-sequence-form (second form) (first form) (enlist (first next)))))))
(form-fiddle:with-body-options (body initargs) body
(let ((tasks (parse-sequence-to-tasks body)))
`(quest:define-quest (,storyline ,name)
:on-activate (,(caar tasks))